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SILA ESER viola soloist
New York Times’ın yorumuyla ,
“Super violist- O’nun duyarlılığı ritmindeki renkliliği, ve tonundaki güç mükemmel yorumcu olduğunu kanıtlıyor.’
“ You are gifted!” ~ Samuel Ashkenazi of the Vermeer Quartet
Violist SILA ESER, ilk solo resitalini 24. Istanbul Muzik Festivali Genç Yetenekler Serisi’ndeki yarısma sonrasında verdikten sonra, Orchestre De Le Mediterranean – Medditerranean Youth Symphony Orchestrasına katılmaya hak kazanarak Fransa’nın sehirlerinde konserler vermistir. British Council Yaylı Çalgılar Yarısmasını tek viola sanatçısı olarak kazanarak İngiltere’de Royal Northern College of Music’de Prof.Roger Benedict ile çalışmıştır. Leo-Fast Festivalin’de ‘Yilin Genc Muzisyeni ödülüne Junior Chamber International Turkiye’nin On Başarılı Genci Yarışmasında Juri ödülüne layık görülmüstür.Warner Bros a kabul edilmis çizgi film muziklerini viola ile dogaclama yaparak Chicago da sunarak binlerce kisi arasından kabul goren Sıla, Hans Zinmer ogrencisi – olan Ruth Robim ile bircok film muziklerine kayıtlarıyla imza atmıstır. Ve popular alanda Beyonce in orkestrasında da viola çalan sanatçı ulkemizi düunyada temsil etmiştir.
Türklerin Oscarı diye nitelendirilen Golden Turk Awards ‘da Most Succesful Musician–En Başarılı Müzisyen kategorisinde finalist seçilerek Özel Ödülü almıştır.
Sanatçının davet edildigi festivallerden bazıları; Istanbul Müzik Festivali, Ascoli-Piceno Festivali- Italy, Marseille, Versaille Festivali France, Leo-fast Festivali, Norfolk Yale Chamber Music Festivali, New York Viola Society USA. Canada Banff Müzik Festivali’nin daveti üzerine dünyaca unlu Grammy ödülü sahibi kontrbasçı Edgar Meyer ile ayni sahneyi paylasmıs, 9 Grammy Ödülü’ne layık görülen Emerson String Quartet violist Lawrence Dutton ve cellist i David Finckel ile New York- SB Müzik Festivali’nde J. Brahms’ ın viola dörtlüsünü ve beşlisini seslendirmiştir. Yaylı Çalgılar Dörtlüsüyle birlikte Yale Chamber Music Celebration Concerts yarışmasında 30 oda müziği grubunu geride bırakarak birincilik kazanarak Haydn’ in Op.75 No.5 yaylı dörtlüsüyle ayakta alkışlanmıştır.
Sila Eser’in çalıştığı klasik muzik sanatçılarından bazıları; Karen Tuttle, Yuri Gandelsman, Bruno Pasquier, Kim Kashkashian, Jeffrey Irvine, Eric Shumsky, Ani Kavafian, Rusen Günes, Roger Bigley, Steven Dann,Roger Benedict, Claude Frank, Boris Berman, Vermeer Quartet,Tokyo String Quartet, and Emerson String Quartet.
Eser, Istanbul Universitesi Devlet Konservatuarın’da viola egitimini tamamlamadan British Coincil bursu ile Ingilterede Royal Northern College of Music deki devam ettikten sonra Chicago Northern Illinois Universitesi’ne tam bursla kabul görmüs Performer’s Certificate – Solist eğitimini 6 Grammy ödülü sahibi Profesör Richard Young ‘Vermeer Quartet’ ile tamamlamıştır.
İkinci Master Eğitimini “100 yılın Ilk Türk viola kadın sanatçısı olarak kabul edilerek Yale Üniversitesi – School of Music ’de, N.Eczacibasi Vakfi ve Harry &Margeret Simeone burslarını ve ödülünü alan sanatçı,Profesör Jesse Levine ve Tokyo String Quartet ile çalışmıştır. Dünya da sadece 9 adet kalan Stradivarius violayı da Tokyo Quartet violacısının istegiyle çalmıştır.
Sanatci, doktora eğitimini State University of New York da ‘9 Grammy odüllü Emerson Quartet Violist Lawrence Dutton ın kabul ettigi tek sanatçı olarak olarak tamamlamıstır.
Sila Eser, Yale Universite’sinde viola profesörü Jesse Levine’ in isteğiyle asistanı olarak viola ve oda muziği egitmenligini Yale de yapmış, New York’ un önemli muzik okullarından biri olan Opus 118 School of Music’de viola, oda müziği dersleri de vermiştir. Viola grup sefi olarak Fransa’da,UK Birmingham, Chicago’da, Connecticut’ da, New Jersey, New York City’deki orkestralarda grup sefi olarak da görev almıştır.
Avrupa ve Amerika’da halen oda müziği ve solo konserlerine devam etmekte olan Eser, önemli konser salonlarından, Avery Fisher Hall, Weill Hall, Birmingham, Teatro Colon, Queen Ellizabeth Hall, Lincoln Center ve de Carnegie Hall’ da da sayısız konserler vermiştir.
Sıla ESER, Alexander Tulchinsky 1990 Romanya yapımı viola çalmaktadır.
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SILA ESER viola soloist
“Superb violist ~ Her sensitivity, rhythmic power and tonal color, attesting to the complete interpreter. She plays brilliantly.” -New York Times
“ You are gifted!” ~ Samuel Ashkenazi ,Vermeer Quartet
A season performer as both a solo and a chamber musician, experienced private teacher,chamber coach SILA ESER, (first 1st prize, viola) winner of the British Couincil string competition .
She made her solo debut at the 24th Annual Concert when she won the competition in the Istanbul Music Festival Young Talents Series. Also she was entitled to participate in the Orchestre De Le Mediterranean – Medditerranean Youth Symphony Orchestra and gave concerts in thirty cities of France. When She won the British Council String Competition as the only viola player and studied with Prof. Roger Benedict at the Royal Northern College of Music in England. She was awarded the ‘Young Musician of the Year’ award at the Leo-Fast Festival and the Jury Award at the Junior Chamber International Turkey’s Ten Successful Young People Competition.Sıla, who was accepted by thousands of people by presenting the cartoon music accepted by Warner Bros. in Chicago by improvising with the viola musics, has recorded many soundtracks with Ruth Robi, a student of Hans Zinmer. And the artist, who also plays the viola in Beyonce’s orchestras in the popular area in Usa .
She was selected as a finalist in the Most Succesful Musician category at the Golden Turk Awards, which is described as the Oscar of the Turks, and received the Special Awards.
As a chamber musician she collabrated festivals to which the artist has been invited are; Istanbul Music Festival, Ascoli-Piceno Festival- Italy, Marseille, Versaille Festival France, Leo-fast Festival, Norfolk Yale Chamber Music Festival, New York Viola Society USA. Upon the invitation of the Canada Banff Music Festival, he shared the stage with the world-famous many Grammy award-winning double bassist Edgar Meyer, and performed J. Brahms’ viola quartet and quintet with 9 Grammy Award-winning Emerson String Quartet violist Lawrence Dutton and cellist David Finckel at the SB Music Festival in New York. Together with the String Quartet, he won first place in the Yale Chamber Music Celebration Concerts competition, beating out 30 chamber music groups, and received a standing ovation with Haydn’s Op.75 No.5 string quartet.
In addition Sıla participated masterclasses with many artist including : Karen Tuttle, Yuri Gandelsman, Bruno Pasquier, Kim Kashkashian, Jeffrey Irvine, Eric Shumsky, Ani Kavafian, Rusen Gunes, Roger Bigley, Steven Dann, Roger Benedict, Claude Frank, Boris Berman, Vermeer Quartet, Tokyo String Quartet, and Emerson String Quartet.
Eser continued at the Royal Northern College of Music in England with a British Coincil scholarship before completing his viola education at Istanbul University State Conservatory, and then was accepted to Chicago Northern Illinois University with a full scholarship Performer’s Certificate – She completed his soloist education with 6 Grammy award winner Professor Richard Young ‘Vermeer Quartet’.
The artist, who received the N.Eczacibasi Foundation and Harry & Margeret Simeone scholarships and award at Yale University – School of Music, as the first Turkish viola female artist of 100 years, studied with Professor Jesse Levine and the Tokyo String Quartet. She has played the Stradivarius viola, of which there are only 9 left in the world, at the request of the Tokyo Quartet violists.
She completed his doctorate at the State University of New York, the only artist to be accepted by 9 Grammy Award-winning Emerson Quartet violinist Lawrence Dutton.
Sila Eser taught viola and chamber music at Yale as an assistant at the request of Jesse Levine, a viola professor at Yale University, and also taught viola and chamber music at Opus 118 School of Music, one of the well-known music schools in New York City. She has also served as a principal viola in many orchestras in France, Birmingham, Chicago, Illinois, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York City.
Currently , she continuing her solo, chamber career in throughout Europe, America and Asia. She has given numerous concerts in important concert halls such as Avery Fisher Hall, Weill Hall, Birmingham, Teatro Colon, Queen Ellizabeth Hall, Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall.
Sıla ESER, performs on a Romanian modern viola made by Alexander Tulchinsky.